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Skidmore College
Human Resources


Equal Employment Opportunity, Diversity And Anti-Harassment: Policies And Procedures

Part Six












This document communicates the philosophy and perspective of Skidmore College regarding issues of equal employment opportunity, diversity and anti-harassment. It also presents the college’s policies, objectives and plans for maintaining its status as an equal-opportunity 雇主和教育家,并支持其目标,扩大我们的多样性 community. While some of the policies outlined in Part Six are required for legal compliance, others are internally motivated and reflect our commitment to an inclusive 热情好客的工作和学习环境.

Equal Employment Opportunity laws and regulations prohibit discrimination against 基于种族、肤色、宗教、性别、年龄、 民族或种族出身,遗传信息,遗传倾向和携带者 status, physical or mental disability, veteran status, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, domestic violence victim status or any other characteristic 受适用的联邦、州或地方法律保护. This policy further prohibits domestic violence, sexual violence and stalking, which need not be based on an individual’s protected status. The policy also prohibits complicity for knowingly assisting in an act that violates this policy and retaliation against an individual because of the individual’s good-faith participation in the reporting, investigation or adjudication of violations of this policy. 学院完全支持这些禁令,并已经 adopted policies reflecting its commitment to nondiscrimination and equal opportunity 在就业和教育实践中.

For more information on Equal Employment Opportunity laws, please visit these sites: or

Skidmore College’s equal opportunity and diversity policies further apply to the recruitment and admission of its students, to the administration of its educational policies and programs and to the recruitment and retention of its faculty and staff. They apply, in addition, to all individuals and organizations associated with, or doing business with or for, Skidmore College.

Part Six of this Handbook is subject to periodic review, evaluation and modification (see Article IV, A). The 然而,政策和哲学构成了对原则的坚定承诺 学院所有成员机会均等.

II.        Academic Freedom

In the context of the policies outlined in Part Six, the college reaffirms its commitment to its long tradition of supporting the academic and personal freedom of all members of the community. In particular, the policy against harassment shall not be applied 以一种与学术自由原则相矛盾的方式:教师和其他人 社区成员和教职员工享有研究自由 are entitled to freedom in the classroom to pursue controversial matters related to their disciplines. However, this right to teach controversial material entails the responsibility that it be carried out in a way that would be judged by peers as not 违反了学校的反骚扰政策. (For the college’s complete statement 火博体育学术自由,见本文第一部分第三条 Handbook.)

III.       Summary Statements of Policy

A.  Policy on Equal Employment Opportunity

火博体育学院申明其社区成员有权免受 acts of unlawful discrimination. 以下是火博体育“平等就业”的政策声明 opportunity” affirms Skidmore College’s commitment to the principle of equal employment opportunity in education and employment:

Equal Employment Opportunity Policy
Skidmore College is committed to being an inclusive campus community and an Equal Opportunity Employer.  The college therefore prohibits discrimination against any 学生、准学生、雇员或候选人的个人或团体 for employment on the basis of race, color, religion, age, national or ethnic origin, genetic information, predisposition or carrier status, physical or mental disability, veteran status, marital status, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, domestic violence victim status or any other category protected by applicable federal, state or local laws. The college also prohibits domestic violence, dating violence and stalking, which need not be based on an individual’s protected status.

B. Policy on Diversity

The principal mission of Skidmore College is the education of predominantly full-time 本科生,一群渴望参与的有才华的学生 actively in the learning process (Skidmore College Mission Statement). Fulfillment of this mission entails building an academic community based upon mutual respect and openness to ideas, one in which individuals value differences in perspective. Fostering such a community requires the active recruitment and retention of students, faculty and staff members of diverse backgrounds and cultural heritages.

To read the Skidmore College Mission Statement in its entirety, please visit the Skidmore website at

欣赏多样性是文科教育的基础,其目的是 foster the growth of the whole person in an environment of respect and understanding for different experiences and backgrounds. A diverse community provides each of us 有机会从别人的经验中学习,并提交自己的经验 价值和假设的关键检查. We learn to understand others and 在一个鼓励加深欣赏他人的环境中,我们会变得更好 文化、观点和生活经历.

The following statement of diversity policy affirms the college’s commitment to increasing the diversity within the various groups that constitute our academic community:

Diversity Policy

Skidmore College’s learning and working communities are strengthened by the diversity of their members. Accordingly, the college is committed to acting affirmatively to enhance the diversity of every population within the campus community: students, faculty and staff.

将对多样性的承诺置于学院战略的背景下 goals and objectives, and as a further guide to hiring practices, please see the statement 有关“多元化招聘:策略考虑”,网址

As a matter of policy, Skidmore College will work actively to increase the diversity of our community. We will address imbalances in both student and employee populations 并通过从美国招聘最优秀的候选人来实现我们的多元化目标 broad a pool as possible.

As always, we will continue to be guided by our fundamental educational values—leading our students to develop robust cognitive abilities, enhanced critical and intercultural skills and an appreciation of their individual and social responsibilities as citizens of the world. Meeting these objectives is crucial to our achieving new levels of excellence.

C.  无障碍和住宿政策

Skidmore College is committed to supporting accessibility, with respect to both physical access and other forms of access, to all programs on campus.

Accessibility and Accommodations Policy

In accordance with applicable federal ( and state laws protecting qualified individuals with documented disabilities, Skidmore 学院将合理地接纳这些人(除非在极少数情况下 doing so would create an undue hardship for Skidmore College).

Any student with a disability who requires accommodations to function effectively in his/her residential or academic life on campus should contact the Coordinator for Students with Disabilities to disclose his/her condition and to request accommodations. 任何有残疾的教职员工在工作中需要帮助 职责有效地联系他/她的系主任,学院院长 (DOF), the Dean of Special Programs (DSP), or the Assistant Director for Equal Employment 机会和劳动力多样性(ADEWD). Any staff member or administrator with a disability who requires accommodations to perform his/her duties effectively should contact his/her supervisor or the ADEWD.

D.  Policy on Anti-Harassment

Skidmore College affirms that its community members (faculty, staff, administration and students) have the right to be free from acts of harassment (based on the protected (雇员或学生的特征)构成非法的、冒犯性的和 hostile behavior. Such acts include (but are not limited to) sexual or racial harassment. In general, such harassment may consist of (but is not limited to) words, signs, jokes, pranks, acts of intimidation or acts of stalking and interpersonal violence that unreasonably interfere with an individual’s work or educational pursuits or that create a hostile, 工作或学习环境冒犯或恐吓. By college policy, all members of the Skidmore community are prohibited from engaging in any such acts of harassment. Applicable federal and state laws also prohibit harassment in the workplace. The complete statement of college policy may be found in the Anti-Harassment Policy statement, Article VI.

请完整阅读火博体育学院的反骚扰政策声明 visit the Skidmore website at

E.  Policy on Retaliation

火博体育学院禁止对任何反对的人进行任何报复 a discriminatory practice, makes a good-faith report of harassment or discrimination 或参与或配合由该报告引起的任何调查. 任何对反对歧视行为的人进行报复的人, making a good-faith report of harassment or discrimination, or cooperating or participating 在这样的调查中,将受到纪律处分,直至并包括从 the college. (See also Article VIII, Section B.

F.   Policy on Consensual Sexual Relationships Involving Students

作为一个学术团体,火博体育学院坚持公平、平等的原则 opportunity and non-discrimination. 这些原则在世界上具有特殊的意义 学生与教师或其他顾问之间的关系 or evaluative relationship. 具体来说,所有学生都有权得到治疗 fairly, held to the same requirements and standards and afforded equal opportunities 基于他们的个人成就. 所有员工都应该确保这一点 their relationships with college students are professional, to act in accordance with standards of professional conduct and to avoid conflict of interest, favoritism, bias or creation of a hostile environment for any student of the college.

Sexual relationships between faculty members and students are fraught with the potential for exploitation. The respect and trust accorded a professor by a student, as well 作为实际或表面权威的教授,作出自愿同意 student suspect. Even when both parties have in fact consented, the development of 性关系使教员和学院都容易受到伤害 subsequent allegations of harassment.

1.   Policy on Consensual Sexual Relationships with Current Students

Sexual relationships, whether consensual or not, between college employees and their 学生(那些他们目前教,建议,监督,指导,评估,或 hold authority over in any way) violate the integrity of the college’s academic community 并构成纪律处分的理由包括开除 the college.

2.   Policy on Consensual Sexual Relationships with Students When There Is No Formal Authority over the Student

Even if a college employee does not currently hold a position of authority over a student, any sexual relationship between an employee and a student of the college 潜在地危害学术或生活环境的完整性 Skidmore community. The college, therefore, discourages in the strongest possible terms any sexual relationship between an employee and any student of the college. In the event that any such relationship is found to undermine the trust, respect and fairness that are essential to the success of Skidmore’s educational mission, the college will take appropriate disciplinary action, up to and including separation from the college.

IV.       Review and Liability

A.  Policy Review

总统可根据委员会的建议修改这些政策 consultation with, members of the President’s Cabinet, the Director of Human Resources, the ADEWD, the Institutional Policy & 计划委员会(IPPC)和学院 Executive Committee (FEC). The college leadership shall periodically review its practices and procedures regarding admissions, recruitment, hiring, promotion and other areas 关心学生,员工和学院作为雇主,并应寻求 纠正任何不公平或与禁止的做法有关的条件 its attention.

B.  员工违反这些政策的责任

Any employee of Skidmore College who violates the policies described above is subject to disciplinary action, up to and including separation from the college. Additionally, any supervisor or manager who has information regarding possible violations of these policies, and takes no action to stop the misconduct or fails to report the possible violation to an appropriate individual, may also face disciplinary action, up to and including separation from the college. 违反这些政策的员工和主管 or managers who fail to address or report such possible violations may also be subject to civil or criminal liability.

Employees  of  the  college  are  further  advised  that  violation  of  these  college  policies  by definition entails actions that fall outside the scope of their duties. This means that they may not be eligible for the college’s insured or uninsured protection should their conduct become the subject of civil or criminal legal proceedings.

V.   Procedures Regarding Equal Employment Opportunity and Diversity

本条款规定了执行平等政策的程序 Employment Opportunity and Diversity at Skidmore College.

A.  Scope

1.   Educational Environment:

In accordance with its policy on equal opportunity, Skidmore College prohibits discrimination against any students on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, age, national or ethnic origin, genetic information, genetic predisposition or carrier status, physical or mental disability, veteran status, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, domestic violence victim status or any other characteristic protected 根据适用的联邦、州或地方法律.

Title IX
Complaints of sexual harassment, sexual misconduct or gender-based violence may implicate Title IX, as well as other applicable nondiscrimination and harassment laws, Skidmore has designated certain individual to address efforts in this area to comply with Title IX laws as outlined by OCR's "Dear Colleague Letter" dated April 4, 2011. Questions 火博体育第九条的任何问题,应直接向:

Dean of Students and VP of Student Affairs/ Title IX Coordinator
Office of Dean Student Affairs
Case Center 311

For more information on Equal Employment Opportunity law please visit

2.   Employment Environment

如上所述,学院禁止基于种族、肤色、 religion, gender, age, national or ethnic origin, genetic information, genetic predisposition or carrier status, physical or mental disability, veteran status, marital status, 性倾向、性别认同或表达、家庭暴力受害者身份 or any other category 受适用的联邦、州或地方法律保护. To implement this policy, guidelines have been established to ensure equal opportunity in all employment policies and practices. 这些指导方针适用于整个机构:

a.   All position vacancies will be subject to equal employment opportunity search standards, which establish procedures for internal posting and external advertisement 适合该职位的相关劳动力市场. In academic searches, the scope of a search is determined by the ADEWD in consultation with the DOF, the DSP, or Vice President for Academic Affairs (VPAA), as appropriate, and the hiring department or office. The nature of the position dictates whether a qualified pool of candidates may most appropriately be recruited from a local, regional, or national market.

b.   In some situations, the ADEWD may waive the requirement for a full search. Normally, a waiver-of-search may be approved if one of the following three actions is proposed: filling a vacancy by promotion; filling a vacancy on a temporary basis (non-recurring appointment for a maximum of one year); or filling a vacancy as a result of internal reorganization. In these cases, or in the case of other extenuating circumstances, 可能不需要进行全面的搜索,ADEWD会仔细考虑 to requests for search waiver.

c.   In academic searches, the ADEWD, in collaboration with the DOF, DSP or VPAA, as appropriate, reviews the position description and all components of the search plan proposed by the hiring department or office before approving a search.

d.   Human Resources maintains and updates lists of recruitment resources for both academic and nonacademic searches.

e.   Human Resources routinely sends announcements of position vacancies to local and regional organizations that represent historically underrepresented groups. Heads of departments, offices and programs are strongly encouraged to network through their 建立个人和/或专业联系,努力扩大多样性 candidate pools for all positions. 这种外联应定期进行。 即使没有立即空缺的职位.

f.    All applicants for academic and nonacademic position vacancies will receive 通过明信片确认他们有兴趣在火博体育工作, email or letter.

g.   Before any candidate in an academic search is invited for an interview (whether on or off campus), the office or department responsible for hiring will contact the ADEWD and the DOF, DSP or VPAA, as appropriate, to review the applicant pool. If the pool is not sufficiently inclusive, the DOF, DSP or VPAA and the ADEWD may recommend further steps.

h.   在面试阶段结束时,办公室或部门负责 for hiring will contact the ADEWD and the appropriate dean or vice president to discuss the candidates interviewed. No oral or written commitment may be made to a candidate 直到ADEWD,并且,在学术搜索的情况下,DOF, DSP或VPAA有 同意已遵循适当的平等就业机会程序. If such policies and procedures have been violated, the search may be deferred.

B.  管理:角色和职责

1. Members of President’s Cabinet are responsible for the coordination of institutional 努力和资源推进战略目标,增加和保留一个 diverse faculty and staff and of fostering an inclusive campus climate.

2. The ADEWD, in consultation with the DOF, the VPAA and others as appropriate, is charged with providing leadership in recommending and implementing strategies to secure and maintain a diverse campus community of faculty and staff; coordinating institution-wide equal opportunity and diversity employment efforts, including equal employment opportunity strategies and activity on all searches; planning and initiating all education for faculty and staff on matters of equal employment opportunity, unlawful discrimination, and harassment; and coordinating this activity with related student education provided by Student Affairs staff. The ADEWD is responsible for coordinating and disseminating to the community an annual report on the state of diversity at the college.

3. The ADEWD provides counsel to the President and President's Cabinet on issues of equal employment opportunity, diversity and anti-harassment. The ADEWD communicates as appropriate with the President, members of President's Cabinet, the Associate Vice President for Finance and Administration and Director of Human Resources, and members of academic staff. The ADEWD is also available for consultation with any other member of the Skidmore community.

VI.   Anti-Harassment Policy

Harassment is unlawful and therefore prohibited by Skidmore College.

The college is committed to maintaining a positive learning and working environment for all of its students and employees. 根据适用的法律,包括 Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 as amended, Title IX of the Education Amendments 1972年的《火博体育》1978年的《美国残疾人法案 Act, the Civil Rights Act of 1991, the Generic Information Nondiscrimination Act and 适用的联邦、州或地方法律禁止性侵犯和性虐待 college prohibits harassment (including sexual harassment) of any individual or group of its students, prospective students, employees or candidates for employment on the basis of race, color, religion, age, national or ethnic origin, genetic information, genetic predisposition or carrier status, physical or mental disability, veteran status, marital status, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, domestic violence victim status or any other category protected by applicable federal, state or local laws. These policies apply to all persons affiliated with the college, including administrators, 教职员工和学生.

A. Harassment Defined

基于种族、肤色、宗教、性别、年龄、国籍或民族的骚扰 起源,遗传信息,遗传倾向或载体状态,物理或 mental disability, veteran status, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, domestic violence victim status or any other category protected by federal, state, or local laws occurs when

  • an individual or group of individuals is targeted with oral, written, visual or physical insults based on that person’s or group’s protected status; and
  • such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an employee’s 或学生的工作,专业或教育表现,生产力,体力 security, living arrangements, extracurricular activities, academic or career opportunities, services or benefits—or of creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive working or learning environment.

When both circumstances identified above are present, examples of conduct constituting harassment may include (but are not limited to) the following:

  • intimidation, hostility or rudeness
  • oral or written threats, derogatory comments, name-calling or slurs
  • display of derogatory posters, photographs, cartoons drawings
  • offensive gestures
  • 侵犯,不必要的接触或阻碍正常活动

Whether the alleged conduct constitutes harassment will be determined on a case-by-case 依据,考虑到行为的性质等相关因素 事件发生的背景.

The fact that someone did not intend to harass another individual may not constitute an adequate defense in response to a complaint of harassment. Regardless of intent, the characteristics, context and effect of the behavior determine whether the behavior constitutes harassment.

此外,教师,员工或学生可能会受到骚扰 销售人员或供应商,学生家长,校友/我们,访客或任何其他人 member of the extended college community who has contact with Skidmore faculty, staff or student populations. Harassment may take place in person, by phone or by means of print or electronic media (e.g., social media). Skidmore’s policy applies to all employees and students of the 当他们互相交流的时候. Off-campus violations may occur at campus-sponsored events or programs, such as athletic 活动、实习安排、专业会议或私人活动(如 as parties).

B.  Sexual Harassment Defined

适用的州和联邦法律将性骚扰定义为任何不受欢迎的性行为 advances, requests for sexual favors or other gender-based visual, verbal or physical conduct. 尤其是性骚扰发生的时候

  • submission to the conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of an individual’s employment or academic advancement (quid pro quo harassment),
  • 对该行为的服从或拒绝被用作雇用或解雇的依据 academic decisions affecting the individual (quid pro quo harassment), or
  • the conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an employee’s 或学生的工作,专业或教育表现,生产力,体力 security, participation in living arrangements, extracurricular activities, academic or career opportunities, services or benefits—or of creating an intimidating, hostile 或攻击性的工作或学习环境(敌意的工作环境骚扰).

This definition includes verbal, nonverbal and physical harassment. The following examples of sexual harassment are intended to be instructive but not inclusive:

Verbal harassment may take oral or written form and may include profanity, sexual jokes or sexual teasing, 威胁或反复提出不受欢迎的约会要求.

Non-verbal harassment may include staring, whistling, cat calls, blowing kisses or displaying sexually suggestive material in the work area, in the classroom, in lockers or as screen savers on one’s computer.

Physical harassment may include touching, bumping, grabbing, cornering or blocking passage.

Whether the alleged conduct constitutes harassment will be determined on a case-by-case 依据,考虑到行为的性质等相关因素 指称事件发生的背景.

Sexual harassment may occur on or off campus, including, but not limited to, the classroom (学生对学生,教师对学生,学生对教师)和工作环境 (主管对员工,员工对主管,员工对员工,学生对 faculty or employee). Skidmore’s policy applies to all employees and students of the 当他们互相交流的时候. Off-campus violations may 参加学校赞助的活动或项目,如体育赛事,实习 arrangements and professional meetings, or at private events such as a party. In addition, a faculty member, staff member, administrator or student may experience sexual harassment from a salesperson or vendor, the parent of a student, an alumna/us, visitor or any other member of the extended college community who has contact with Skidmore faculty, staff or student populations. 性骚扰可以当面发生,也可以通过电话发生 or by means of print or electronic media.

某人无意性骚扰另一个人的事实可能不是 constitute an adequate defense in response to a complaint of sexual harassment. Regardless of intent, the characteristics and effect of the behavior determine whether the behavior constitutes sexual harassment.

C.  不当性行为和性别暴力

Gender-based violence can occur between strangers or acquaintances, including people involved in both long-term and brief intimate partnerships. Gender-based violence can be committed by men or women, and it can occur between people of the same or different sex.

The following type of conduct is considered to be sexual misconduct and gender based violence and is not permitted.

Dating violence is violence committed by a person who is or has been in a social relationship of 与受害者有浪漫或亲密的关系. The existence of such a relationship will be determined based on consideration of the length of the relationship, the type of relationship and the frequency of the interaction between the persons involved in the relationship. Dating violence includes, but is not limited to, sexual, physical 虐待、情感暴力或这种暴力的威胁,但不包括行为 这符合“家庭暴力”的定义."

Domestic violence means felony or misdemeanor crimes of violence committed by a current or former spouse 指与受害人共同拥有一个孩子的人 who is cohabitating with or has cohabitated with the victim as a spouse, by a person similarly situated to a spouse of the victim or by any other person against an adult or youth victim who is protected from that person's acts under the domestic or family violence laws of the state.

Stalking 参与针对某个人的行为会导致吗 a reasonable person to fear for her or his safety or the safety of others or suffer substantial emotional distress. 跟踪的例子包括不受欢迎的,侵入性的和 frightening communications by phone, mail and/or email; repeatedly leaving or sending unwanted items such as gifts; following or waiting for a person at places such as home, school or work; making direct or indirect threats of harm to a person, or the person's children, relatives, friends or pets; damaging or threatening to damage property; harassment through the internet or social media; and posting information or spreading rumors about a person.

If any of the above gender-based violence involves student against student, it should 向第九条副协调员报告

D.  Third-Party Harassment

It is important to recognize that sexual harassment may be injurious to a third party 当这个人受到其他人骚扰的负面影响时 第三方的工作空间或教室-或任何其他需要Skidmore的环境 College employee or student to be present for purposes of work or learning.

VII.  Procedures for Resolving Complaints of Harassment or Discrimination against Faculty Members

Faculty members, staff and students should report any instances they believe to constitute harassment or discrimination. Disclosing such incidents provides the parties an opportunity 与适当的学院人员协商并有机会解决 complaints promptly and effectively.

The procedures outlined in Article VII apply to all situations where a faculty member 被指控骚扰或歧视. Allegations against students (including 全日制学生(同时也是员工)将按照程序解决 outlined in the Student Handbook. Allegations against staff members (including staff members who may be part-time students) and administrators will be resolved according to procedures outlined in the Employee Handbook.

Using the procedures outlined below, any faculty member, staff member or student who believes he or she is the victim of harassment by a member of the faculty should report 将此事移交给第七条B款所规定的个人之一,所有这些人都是 能够帮助那些有骚扰的担忧. These individuals are available to provide information about the College’s harassment policy, the resolution process that the college has adopted and appropriate actions that might be taken.

A.   Definition of Terms

In the process that follows, the following terms are used:

Complainant: the individual filing an informal or formal complaint of discrimination or harassment.

Respondent: the individual alleged to be responsible for a discriminatory or harassing action.

Appellant: 对投诉的处理提出上诉的个人(投诉人或原告) respondent).


Interpersonal Violence (commonly referred to as intimate partner violence, dating violence, domestic violence and relationship violence), can encompass a broad range of abusive behavior committed by a person who is or has been:

  • in a romantic or intimate relationship with the reporting party (of the same or different sex);
  • the reporting party's spouse or partner (of the same or different sex);
  • the responding party's family member; or
  • the responding party's cohabitant or household member, including a roommate.

Investigation: 在投诉的正式阶段使用的程序.

Appropriate Official: the complainant’s or respondent’s department chair (or, in the case of faculty with interdisciplinary appointments, program director), the academic dean, the VPAA, any other division head, or the Associate Vice President for Finance and Administration and Director of Human Resources. 如果相关官员有利益冲突, 财务和行政副总裁兼人力资源总监 Resources will designate a replacement.

B.  举报可疑的骚扰和歧视

Who should report
Any faculty member, staff member, student or former student who believes that he/she 曾被教职员歧视或骚扰,是否应举报 instances to the appropriate official.

When to report
A report must be made to the college within 60* days of the alleged incident. A formal complaint must be filed in writing within 10 work days after an informal inquiry has been completed or within 10 work days of the conclusion of the mediation process (see C below). 联邦法规要求学生投诉必须提交适当的 agency within 180 days and faculty/employee complaints be filed within 300 days; New York State law requires that an administrative complaint be filed within one year.

To the extent possible, those handling complaints will endeavor to maintain the confidentiality of all parties involved in the informal and formal process. This confidentiality extends to those seeking assistance, to those filing a complaint, to respondents and to those serving as witnesses; confidentiality also extends to those creating or reviewing any documents related to the complaint. 因此,有关投诉的信息是 只提供给学校里需要了解的人 information in order to investigate and/or resolve the complaint. This requirement 保密并不意味着要隐瞒投诉的细节 from the respondent.

Nevertheless, the college cannot guarantee absolute confidentiality. In order to ensure compliance with college policies and federal and state laws, the college may be required to disclose information about a complaint to agencies or to individuals not involved in the complaint. Moreover, when the complaint involves alleged acts of a criminal nature, the college may be required by law to notify law enforcement authorities. 学院也可以公开披露结果的细节,如果其中一方 披露诉讼程序的特定部分,或者如果原告或被告 对大学调查的结果或结果提出异议 lawsuit.

在提出性骚扰投诉之前或同时,个人可以 find it helpful to consult with a counselor or otherwise seek assistance. The Employee 援助计划(EAP)可以为有信仰的个人提供建议和支持 they are experiencing sexual harassment. 所有信息都与这些人共享 will remain confidential to the extent permitted by law and college policy. Discussions with representatives from EAP will not be considered a report to the college regarding the problematic behavior and will not, without additional action by the complainant, 导致干预或纠正措施.

*In the case of a student bringing a complaint against a faculty member who teaches or advises that student, or who supervises that student’s research or other academic work, this deadline may be extended to 60 days after the end of the semester during 这种师生关系存在吗.

Filing a Complaint

Faculty members, staff members or students should report instances of alleged harassment or discrimination by faculty members to one of the following:

  • 适当的部门或项目主席
  • 学院院长(DOF)或特殊项目院长(DSP)
  • Vice President for Academic Affairs
  • Supervisor
  • Associate Vice President for Finance and Administration and Director of Human Resources or his/her designee

Students may report to any of the above or to the Dean of Student Affairs.

All the above officials will convey information received to the ADEWD, who will initiate an informal inquiry.

Please use this form when filing a complaint.

When a complaint of harassment or discrimination has been taken up by an agency outside 因可能违反联邦、州或地方法律而被开除 or regulation, the college may decide to cancel or continue any internal inquiry/investigation already in process. The college may also conduct its own investigation once the external action is completed.

The college’s complaint process, for the purpose of meeting required deadlines, begins once the ADEWD conducts an initial interview with the complainant. During the initial interview, the ADEWD will discuss with the complainant whether or not the alleged incident(s) of harassment or discrimination constitute(s) a violation of the college’s policies. The complainant will also be told about his/her rights under the College’s complaint procedures.

The complainant will have the right to:

  • have a representative (not an attorney) present as an observer during the complaint process;
  • be granted confidentiality throughout the process (as described in B above);
  • 在此过程中可随时撤回投诉(但有一项谅解 学院可能会被要求追究这个问题);
  • review and sign his/her own statement and receive a copy;
  • review the ADEWD’s summary, which indicates whether the alleged misconduct was found to violate college policy;
  • file the complaint with a federal, state, or local agency designated to hear/investigate EEO complaints;
  • request mediation; and
  • have a meeting with the ADEWD after the informal inquiry and, if the complaint proceeds, after the formal investigation.

The complainant will not have the right to:

  • have an attorney present;
  • 向被告或证人提问;
  • record the meeting;
  • identify the penalty or corrective action for the respondent if that person is found to have violated a college policy;
  • review the complete complaint file and associated documents (e.g., witnesses’ statements); or
  • 收到完整投诉文件的副本.

Once a complaint is received, the ADEWD will meet with the respondent to inform him/her of the complaint. The respondent will also be told about his/her rights under the college’s complaint procedures.

The respondent will have the right to:

  • have a representative (not an attorney) present as an observer during the complaint process;
  • receive a copy of the written complaint;
  • be granted confidentiality throughout the process (as described in Section B above);
  • respond to the complaint;
  • review and sign his/her own statement and receive a copy;
  • request mediation;
  • have a meeting with the ADEWD after the informal inquiry; and
  • review a copy of the final summary of the complaint in the presence of the appropriate official.

The respondent will not have the right to:

  • have an attorney present;
  • 向投诉人或证人提问;
  • record the meeting;
  • review the complete complaint file and all associated documents (e.g., witnesses’ statements); or
  • 收到完整投诉文件的副本.

Any discussion during the initial interviews with the complainant or the respondent 将由作出声明的个人及ADEWD记录及签署. The individual making the statement will be given a copy of the signed document, and ADEWD将在投诉文件中输入原件.

Any complaint involving a faculty member will be brought to the attention of the DOF by the ADEWD; any complaint involving an academic advisor in the external degree programs or an instructor in Special Programs will be brought to the attention of the DSP by the ADEWD. At that time, the DOF or DSP will confer with the Chair of CAFR to ascertain whether the complaint has to do with academic freedom and therefore should be handled by CAFR or whether the complaint has to do with harassment or discrimination, in which 在这种情况下,学院将遵循第六部分第七条所述的流程 handbook. In making this determination, the ADEWD, the DOF or DSP and the Chair of CAFR will consider the signed complaint and the signed response to the complaint.  如果DOF或DSP与CAFR主席(VPAA)之间存在分歧 will decide on the process to be followed.

C. Informal Complaint Resolution

If, after the initial interview, the ADEWD preliminarily determines whether the alleged incident(s) constitute(s) a violation of the college’s policies, the ADEWD will process the complaint initially using the informal (inquiry) complaint procedure. During this ,署长会分别与投诉人、被投诉人及任何 可能有相关信息的证人.

Witnesses to the complaint (other than the complainant or respondent) will have the right to:

  • have a representative (not an attorney) present as an observer during the complaint process;
  • be granted confidentiality throughout the process (as described in B above); and
  • 审查和签署自己的声明,并收到副本.

Witnesses to the complaint (other than the complainant or respondent) will not have the right to:

  • have an attorney present;
  • 向投诉人或被投诉人询问问题;
  • record the meeting;
  • review the complete complaint file and all associated documents; or
  • 收到完整投诉文件的副本.

Depending on the nature of the complaint, mediation may be offered.  If the complainant accepts this approach, the respondent will be encouraged to participate in the mediation process. If the parties agree to a resolution, it will be documented in an agreement. Both parties will be given a copy of the agreement, and a copy will be retained with the complaint file by the ADEWD.

D. Formal Complaint Procedures

The ADEWD will notify the complainant and the respondent in writing when the informal process is concluded. If no resolution/agreement is reached during the informal stage of the complaint as outlined above, the complainant will have the right to submit 在10天内向本署提出正式书面投诉. The formal complaint must be signed and should be delivered (return receipt requested) to: Human Resources, Barrett Center, Skidmore College, Attn: ADEWD, 815 North Broadway, Saratoga Springs, NY 12866. Under certain circumstances, however, the college may be required to continue its investigation, even in the absence of a formal written complaint.


  1. the complainant’s name, address, telephone number(s), and e-mail address;
  2. a complete description of all the alleged incident(s) or actions leading to the complaint;
  3. names of witnesses and information they can offer relative to the complaint;
  4. witness contact information (phone numbers, e-mail addresses);
  5. all documents and other tangible evidence available to support the allegations;
  6. 代表的身份证明(如果有的话)及其关系 to the complainant; and
  7. the complainant’s signature and date.

E.   Advisory Panel

When a faculty member is formally accused of harassment or discrimination, the college’s 程序为其他教员提供了提供建议和帮助的机会 recommendations. Such faculty advice and recommendations will be provided through the Advisory Panel (AP) as described more fully below and in Section F.

After receiving the formal complaint against a faculty member, the ADEWD will convene the Advisory Panel.

在教师或学生投诉教师的情况下, AP将由ADEWD从学院中选择的两名教师组成 Advisory Board (FAB). The Faculty Advisory Board, which is constituted (a) by a general election and (b) by subsequent appointment by the Faculty Executive Committee (FEC) in consultation with the VPAA, consists largely of tenured faculty members who will be trained in issues relating to discrimination, harassment and retaliation.

在工作人员对教员提出投诉的情况下,AP将包括 two tenured faculty members selected by the ADEWD from the FAB and two staff members 由劳工处署长从职员谘询委员会选出. The Staff Advisory Board, established by the Associate Vice President for Finance and Administration and Director of Human Resources, consists of staff members trained in issues relating to discrimination, harassment and retaliation.

Faculty or staff members from the same department or office as either the complainant 或答辩人不得在美联社任职. Any panelist with a conflict of interest may not serve. In addition, the complainant and the respondent each may request that one of the chosen panelists be replaced. 如果一个二人或四人的AP cannot be selected from these various boards, the VPAA and the Chair of FEC (in the case of faculty) or the Associate Vice President for Finance and Administration and Director of Human Resources (in the case of staff) will provide replacements as needed. Any such replacements will receive training appropriate to the complaint.

F. Investigation

All information gathered during the informal process will continue to be used in the formal process. The ADEWD will provide the respondent with a copy of the formal complaint as submitted by the complainant within three work days* of receipt of the complaint. The ADEWD also will provide a letter to the respondent, outlining the investigation process and clarifying the respondent’s rights as well as the college’s expectation of full cooperation. During the formal process, all witnesses identified by the complainant and respondent will be interviewed, if the ADEWD and the Advisory Panel (AP) determine that they may offer relevant facts. 所有证人都会收到一封概述 the role of a witness during the investigation as well as the college’s expectation of their participation.

投诉人将被要求提供所要求的任何文件,并回应 requests for additional information in a timely manner (within five work days of receipt of a request). After five days, the ADEWD will repeat the request in writing; if the complainant does not respond within 10 work days after this written request for information is made by the ADEWD, the individual’s complaint may be closed for failure to participate, and a notice of cancellation will be sent.

Cancellation for lack of participation cannot be appealed by the complainant. Under certain circumstances, however, the college may be required to continue its investigation.

Members of the AP will participate in the interviews, but the ADEWD will take the lead in questioning. If either the complainant or respondent makes the request, (and 双方都同意),美联社成员将不参加任何采访,但会 instead review all documents pertaining to the case and consult with the ADEWD during the investigation.

如有可能,调查将在日期起计的20个日历日内完成 date the formal complaint is filed, unless more time is requested by the ADEWD. If the AP finds that the investigation will exceed this time limit, the ADEWD will provide written notification to the complainant, the respondent, and the appropriate official.

Upon completion of the investigation, the ADEWD will develop a complaint file consisting of all documents gathered during the investigation, along with statements from witnesses. The ADEWD will prepare a final report, including the summary, findings and conclusions, 以及美联社的评论摘要. The ADEWD and the AP will meet to review 并确保美联社的观点在最终报告中得到体现 report.

*Work days are defined as days the college’s administrative offices are open.

G.   Legal Review

Upon completion of the investigation the Associate Vice President for Finance and 行政和人力资源总监将与 ,并决定是否应将报告转交予环保署进行法律审查 the college’s attorney. In either case the ADEWD will meet with the appropriate official (relevant dean, vice president or supervisor) to report the results.

H.   Administrative Review

Within five work days from the final decision on the summary, findings, and conclusions, ADEWD,以及财务和行政副总裁 and Director of Human Resources, will share the results with the appropriate official. The appropriate official (VPAA, DOF, DSP, or any other division head) in consultation 将与人力资源总监一起考虑调查结果并决定 appropriate action(s). The Associate Vice President for Finance and Administration and Director of Human Resources will work with the appropriate official to implement the actions.

I.   Disposition of Complaint

Once the written summary, findings and conclusions have been reviewed with the appropriate official, the ADEWD will have a final interview with the complainant within three work days after the administrative review. 在这次采访中,ADEWD将分享 总结、调查结果和结论并发出一封信. The letter will only address the facts that were gathered and state whether any violation of the college’s policies was found.

Within three work days after the administrative review, the appropriate official will meet with the respondent to outline the summary, findings, conclusions and sanctions. All associated notes and documents developed by the appropriate official will be forwarded 提交给人力资源部保存在投诉档案中. All complaint files will be housed in Human Resources as legally required or as stipulated by the sanctions.

J.   Outcomes

Actions in response to a complaint of discrimination or harassment may include discussion, recommendation for counseling or mentoring, monitoring of the situation, support for self-help or mediation by third party. 正式的纪律处分可能包括(但是) 不限于)一封信在人事档案中一段时间,永久 人事档案中的信件,扣缴加薪或津贴,免职 from the classroom, suspension (with or without pay) or separation from the college.

K.   Appeals

A complainant may appeal based on the following criteria:  1) procedural error that might have affected the outcome of the decision or 2) new evidence. If the complainant elects to appeal, he/she must file the appeal within 15 work days of the date of the final interview with the ADEWD. The appeal process will not be an available to complainants who withdrew their complaints or their complaints were closed due to failure to participate as provided in F. (Investigation) above.

被申请人可以根据以下标准提出上诉:1)程序错误 might have affected the outcome, 2) new evidence or 3) severity of the sanction. If the respondent elects to appeal, he/she must appeal within 15 work days from the date of the respondent’s meeting with the appropriate official.

所有的上诉必须以书面形式提交给总统,由他决定是否上诉 根据上述标准和谁将进入决赛,上诉具有价值 institutional decision based upon a review of the record and of the recommendations, findings, conclusions, and sanctions related to the complaint.

The President will provide his or her decision in writing to the appellant, the other party to the original complaint as appropriate, the ADEWD and the appropriate official. If the President reverses or modifies the recommendation(s), then the President will provide written reasons for the action. 总统将在内部做出决定 主席收到上诉后10个工作日.

VIII.    Additional Expectations

A.  配合调查和听证会

All members of the Skidmore community (students, faculty, administrators and staff) are expected to cooperate fully with inquiries and investigations pertaining to alleged incidents of harassment or discrimination. Expected cooperation includes providing 充分和诚实地披露已知事实,提供口头或书面证词和 providing letters, emails, voice messages, notebooks, gifts or other evidence in any such proceeding. Finally, cooperation includes the expectation that all parties to a complaint, inquiry, or investigation will maintain the confidentiality of the process and not attempt to influence any other party to the process.

B.  Extension of Time Periods

如果情况允许或法律要求,学院保留权利 extend any processing time period identified in this policy.

C.  Retaliatory Actions

适用的法律和大学政策禁止对任何举报的人进行报复 or thought to have reported harassment or discrimination. Retaliation is also prohibited against any person who is a witness or otherwise involved in a harassment or discrimination proceeding. Retaliation against any person shall be considered a serious violation of the policy on retaliation and shall be considered independently of the underlying complaint. Encouraging others to retaliate also violates this policy.

报复包括任何行为,无论是否与工作场所或雇佣有关, directed at someone because he or she opposed a discriminatory practice, made a good-faith report of harassment or discrimination, or participated or cooperated in such an investigation, which might deter a reasonable person from making or supporting a charge of harassment or discrimination. Examples of retaliation include (but are not limited to) the following:

  • unfair grading or evaluation of performance or assignments;
  • withholding or delaying the transmissions of necessary information (such as information about classes, recommendations, grades, work assignments, meetings);
  • 对重要事件不及时通报的;
  • 不通知政策变更的;
  • 使某人受到公开或私下的嘲笑;
  • 口头、书面威胁或者提供贿赂的;
  • refusing to meet with a person who has the right to be granted a meeting;
  • name calling; and
  • further harassment of any nature.

All instances of alleged retaliation should be reported to the ADEWD or an appropriate official. The allegations will be dealt with in accordance with the procedures outlined in Article VII.

D.  False Allegations

The college will not tolerate false allegations of harassment. Complaints made in good faith that are found not to constitute harassment or discrimination will not be considered false allegations. 然而,任何故意、恶意地 or frivolously makes a false allegation of harassment will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including separation from the college or, in the case of a student, to disciplinary action up to and including suspension or expulsion.

E.  For Additional Information or Assistance

Inquiries concerning the preceding policies and procedures or requests for assistance 应寄往下列其中一项:

Skidmore College
815 North Broadway
Saratoga Springs, NY 12866-1632
Tel: 518-580-5800


Associate Vice President, Finance & Administration; Director of Human Resources
Human Resources, Barrett Center
Skidmore College
815 North Broadway
Saratoga Springs, NY 12866-1632
Tel: 518-580-5800


EEO and Diversity